Nebraska Soybean Board

The Nebraska Soybean Board’s consumer linkage program, the Bean Team, acts as the link between the producers and consumers of soy and soy products. 

As a member of the Bean Team, I travel to grocery stores in Lincoln, Omaha, and Grand Island to demonstrate recipes that use soy and educate consumers about the health benefits of soy.

Smoothie Demonstration on Omaha's Morning Talk Show
Making Bean Team Salsa with Gina from B107.3 Radio

In addition to demonstrations in grocery stores, I also travel to health fairs, community events, and cooking shows across the state. With the Bean Team, I have learned how to communicate with people on a personal level about how soy can impact their health for the better. 

I also filmed a soyfoods cooking video for the Bean Team, in which I worked with a full camera and lighting crew, along with script writers and Soybean Board representatives, to show consumers first-hand how to prepare recipes that use 

soy products. The cooking video is featured on the Nebraska Soybean Board’s website, and I also appeared on television to promote the video.

Social media is a developing venture for the Bean Team. I monitor the Bean Team’s wall activity, along with promoting the page in each appearance I make as a member of the Bean Team. 

As an administrator for the Bean Team Facebook page, I post relevant information and review weekly Facebook page reports to gague the effectiveness of the Bean Team’s social media strategy.